A friend posted a blog and I thought I would give my thoughts on it here
here is her blog Parkers Blog
here is my reply
the main problem i have here is he says if you are born with
something then God wanted you that way. Simply not true if that was the
case then we should not repair ANY birth defects because that is how
God wanted them. We as Humans have this really bad habit of thinking in
the physical world of the non-physical world. Yes we are made in God’s
image 100% true but that doesn’t mean good looks like us we have a soul
and with that soul we were given the ability to Love and a sense of
justice. That was God’s great gift to us our soul, that is what makes
us in his image not out outward appearance. and just to set the record
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them Eph 2:10
this verse is not talking about all of mankind see the part where it
say “created in Christ Jesus” he is talking about Christians and how we
are still a work in progress in becoming like Christ that is the
meaning of Christian
so in closing Joel Osteen Benny Hinn Pat Robertson and the like need
to go to BIBLE college like i did if they want to talk Bible