Sunday, November 3, 2013

A Bible Primer Trans edtion

So I have been meaning to write this for awhile and i figure now is a good time.

  So let's start with a list of al the places in the Bible that mentions transgender persons or talks about it :  

Nothing nada zip is ever said about being transgender in the Bibl.  So where do Conservative Christians get there attack verses, well they seem to be confused that their is a deference between gender and sexuality and so they use the verses that talk about sexuality to bash trans people.  (Okay now I will warn you here I'm going to get a little deep here so stick with me) the main verses used are in dueteronemy and 1corenthians the verse in Duteronomy talks about not wearing the clothes of the opposite sex. The problem is 1. Christians believe Christ did away with with the old Jewish law so it is null and void 2. The verse was to set the Jewish people apart from the other groups in the area who would worship their god by cross dressing and having week long orgies.  The second verse is in the New Testament written by Paul and it talks about homosexuals will not be welcome in God's kingdom but their is a small problem the word he uses is not the Greek word for homosexual it is a made up word that is translated differently in other books and to top it off the word was first translated as homosexual in 1958 for a version of the Bible.  So the the strange thing to me is that Paul was very well educated and his writing was very plain and simple so it could be easily understood by the common people. So it makes me cautious to say Paul wrote this verse he wouldn't have made up words to be cute or to show how smart he was.  That should cover it if you have questions feel free to ask find my on twitter @nicoleacroft or leave a question in the comments